1.) I'm about midway through nursing school. It is hard, time consuming, but so amazing! It's such a big responsibility when you have patients health/life in your hands. It's also... SO interesting, wonderful and it makes such a difference in people's lives! I'm in a pulmonary clinical rotation right now which I like... but i can't wait to get to peds/maternity/newborn- I think thats what I'm gonna love! Anywho, I have about 9 months left and then I'm done and will join the ranks of my sissy and mama in the nursing world(:
2.) I made friends here! It's a miracle! You have no idea how hard it is to make friends when you move somewhere new and A.) Are not in school and B.) Do not have a job or C.) Hadnt found a church yet. It was getting weird at the local coffee shop when I would oddly glance over at someone and say something creepy like, "So, what kinda coffee did you get today?" or "I like your coffe mug!" I made no friends this way. So, cheers to new friends! And double cheers to the old ones (:
3.) Matt is loving his job. He gets to work outside all of the time and always tries to tell me about tunnels and math problems and physics of this and that. He even started interviewing some people to work for him! Whoa, hold the riegns!! Matt is movin on up!
4.) Mike and Jen are getting married in about 5 months!! We are getting soo excited and busier by the day for the big day/bachelorette and bachelor parties and showers. Just booked Jen's bachelorette party in Isle of Palms, SC... whoo whoo!
5.) Can't forget about our little baby Millie. Millie is my best friend. I tell her this at least once a day. She really is. She always knows the right thing to say and hugs me at least 5 times a day. I just dont get it when people don't like dogs/animals. I think I like animals more than humans.
Trips we've been on this year include... I was in one of my best friends weddings (Micki) this past April in Florida Keys, which was GORGEOUS! I got to visit my dear amanda in DC in January with Alyson... Visited ME and Brian in Winston (where Mary Elizabeth and Brian told me they were PREGGY!! Still can't believe it!) And Katie and Jordan took me to a cute little lunch place in Charlotte...Had my CLASS REUNION with the Meredith girls in Raleigh and it was SO wonderful to see everyone together again! Got to hang out with my Raleigh girls and celebrate Meggie's birthday at Mura and was sooo excited to get to go to the Thursday night beach music festival again (which was a little TOO much fun)... I just know I'm forgetting more trips but needless to say, we try and visit our lovely friends and fam as much as possible (:
This summer and fall are going to be crazy with Jen and Mikes wedding, being right in the middle of school, matt's job and Millie being a diva- but that's the way I like it! I never know how to end these things.. so, the end!
(A few pictures of this years events to keep you entertained...)
Lauren, my Cleveland/nursing buddy! And matt at the zoo sharing a good ole hot preztel (:
(Dinner with M.E and KB in Winston and ME's preggo belly! (Hope I look like that when I'm prenant!)