Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yearly update!

Told you I was the worst blogger on earth. Oh well, I've got some time on my hands for a few weeks so here goes nothing... First things first, we moved! From Cleveland OH to Charleston SC. Matt's company won a huge job here and so here we are. (: I do miss my friends a lot... we were so blessed with  wonderful friends in Ohio, but I know they are for life! So come on down south guys! But so glad to be back down south with my family and friends so much closer to us. Just a few iphone photos of family and friends missed in OH...


We moved to a cute little house with a fenced in back yard... can I get an amen halleluiah!? This saves me so much time hustling Millie eleventy billion times in and out of the apartment building everyday! Also, we are 5 minutes from the beach and 15 from downtown Charleston... we are happy people. Thank you God! Our dreams have come true! Sidenote: Millie was born and raised in Cleveland. The humity and heat are just a bit much for her. She acts like a complete diva when I take her on a run for more than 6 minutes. She literally lies straight on her back with her feet in the air... drama queen!

Matthew loves his job... they are about to start their project literally on top of the market in downtown. He's pretty famous around here.. Saving the city from flooding one tunnel at a time!

Update on me: I graduated, passed the boards (after 2 days of hiding/crying/re-planning my entire life as a non-nurse), and then (da da daaaa!) GOT A JOB!
Since we found out we were moving down here, we have been pretty worried about finding me a job. Nursing is in need, but not in popular areas... so we knew it would be hard. Truly truly, God blessed us big time. After submitting around 100 resumes, I got a phone call from a woman at MUSC that I had emailed... and 'lo and behold- she is from Cleveland Clinic! Hello connection! She interviewed me and let me know that there were A LOT of candidates and she was also interviewing internally. I thought that it might be a courtesy interview... so thankful that God had another plan! I got the offer the next day. Realizing that although everything can be perfect, or totally not perfect- God is good through it all.

Currently I am enjoying summer and the few weeks I have before I start my job. I actually have time... dare I say i've read 2 books, cook dinner most nights (stuffed peppers yesterday!), and take Millie to the beach to run a few mornings a week. I have some time for trips (going to see Em in Dallas!) and sewing (make fun of me later), annnnd I have had time to focus on photography. I'm petitioning for a real housewives of Charleston. Soaking it up! (:

Also, LOVING that I get to go home and see my fam and friends on a whim... I sure missed that! Photos below...

Ty Ty's birthday!
Mom and Hannah in Charleston!

Obviously, we were well prepated for the White trash bash!

Jess at the "white trash bash"... bahaha

Thankfully that perma-grin is real and living life to the full every day!
I will try and update again soon... xoxo

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